Sunday, January 10, 2010

Halung Bay

Ha Long Bay, in the Gulf of Tonkin, includes some 1,600 islands and islets, forming a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars. Because of their precipitous nature, most of the islands are uninhabited and unaffected by a human presence. The site's outstanding scenic beauty is complemented by its great biological interest.
Most visitors to the Halong Bay enjoy guided boat tours past thrilling local scenes along chocolate-colored rivulets of the big river.

by Marriz

Mount Everest

What: Mt Everest
Where: Himalaya range, Asia
Reasons for tourism: Nature tourism

Mount Everst is the highest mountain on Earth, and the highest point on the Earth's continental crust, as measured by the height above sea level of its summit, 8848 metres. The mountain, which is part of the Himalaya range in Asia, is located on the border between Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal, and Tibet, China.

Mount Everest attracts climbers of all levels, from well experienced mountaineers to novice climbers who want to take on the challenge on scaling Mount Everest.

Information on Mount Everest expeditions:
Facts on Mount Everest:



Demilitarised Zone North Korea

What: Demilitarized Zone
Where: North korea @ South korea border
Reasons for tourism: Education, Culture
This is the Demilitarized Zone lying between North Korea and South Korea. It is 4 kilometers wide and is the most heavily armed border in the world. Many tourists go for organized tours which take them to places such as the observatory, North Korea's infiltration tunnels, military base and the Joint Security Area where negotiations between the two sides are held. The areas surrounding the Demilitarized Zone have also become a wildlife preserve. There is a tour designed to take tourists to both destinations of historical interest and outstanding beauty too.

Source of image:
Source of information:

Done by: Ka Yi


Infiltration tunnel

After the Korean War (June 25 1950 – July 27 1953), South Korea and North Korea established a border that cut the Korean peninsula roughly in half. Stretching for 2km on either side of this border is the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). As one of the last relics of the Cold War, the DMZ attracts a great deal of public interest, and is a popular destination for travelers visiting Korea. Despite the fact that this is the most heavily armed border in the world, it is extremely rare that any hostilities take place. These days the DMZ is a safe destination that thoroughly recommended to any traveler. The DMZ and its surroundings contain many interesting historical sights and pristine untouched natural surroundings.

by : Marriz

Kennedy Space Station


The Kennedy Space Centre, located in the east of Orlando, Florida, is the U.S. government installation that manages and operates America's astronaut launch facilities. It is open to the public, and activities for various age groups allow the public to experience as near to real-life space experiences as possible.

The public can interact with spaceflight simulators that take them through a mock launch, and watch space and science related movies at the IMAX film theatre. An exhibit called Astronaut Encounter offers the public a chance to listen to a presentation by a real former astronaut and to ask questions of them. Visitors can also view rockets, space capsules and actual launches. Visitors who want a more extensive space experience can attend the camps and institutions organised by N.A.S.A at the Kennedy Space Center.

For more information, visit the Kennedy Space Centre website at



The John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is the U.S. government installation that manages and operates America's astronaut launch facilities.

Located on Merritt Island, Florida, the center is north-northwest of Cape Canaveral on the Atlantic Ocean, midway between Miami andJacksonville. It is 34 miles (55 km) long and roughly 6 miles (10 km) wide, covering 219 square miles (570 km2). A total of 13,500 people worked at the center as of 2008.[1]

The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is home to a number of exhibits and displays. Tourists visit this place to view the exhibits and learn about space. The Apollo-Saturn V Center, located several miles to the north, is a large museum built around its centerpiece exhibit, a restored Saturn V launch vehicle, and features other space related exhibits, including an Apollo capsule. Two theaters allow the visitor to relive parts of the Apollo program.

VI CHien


London is one of the world's leading tourism destinations, and the city is home to an array of famous tourist attractions. London attracts more than 15 million international visitors per year, making it the world's most visited city.

London is home to many tourist attractions that are known worldwide. Some of the most popular include the many museums located in the city. Many of London's museums offer free entry. The British Museum holds seven million exhibits that not only have to do with London, but Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, etc. Popular exhibits include the Elgin Marbles, theRosetta Stone, 'Ginger', the world's oldest mummy, Lindow Man, etc. The British Museum is open seven days a week and is free.

There are also historic or cultural attractions, the most popular of which include Buckingham Palace. This is royal palace is still in use today. Here, visitors can witness the "Changing of the Guard" when a member of the royal family is in residence. During the summer months, some rooms are open to the public for tours. Other sights include The Tower of London, a royal fortress that holds the Crown Jewels of England. Nearby is the famous Tower Bridge.

The Tourist Board for London is called Visit London. The Britain and London Visitor Centre is located on Lower Regent Street, near Piccadilly Circus.

Vi Chien
source : (internet website) (entertainment website)

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is in a temple complex in Cambodia, located in the Siem Reap district, about 308km to the north of the capital city of Phnom Penh. It was built in the early 12th century as king Suryavaraman II's state temple and capital city. It is the epitome of the high classical syle of Khmer architecture. Tourists visit to see for themselves the magnificence of Angkor Wat and admire the carvings. In 2004 and 2005, government figures suggest that, respectively, 561,000 and 677,000 foreign visitors arrived in Siem Reap province, approximately 50% of all foreign tourists in Cambodia for both years. The influx of tourist has caused little damage apart from graffiti.

Source of image:
Source of information:,

Done by: Ka Yi

Aerial view of Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat, located in Cambodia and built during the early years of the 12th century by Suryavaram II, honors the Hindu god Vishnu and is a symbolic representation of Hindu cosmology. Consisting of an enormous temple symbolizing the mythic Mt. Meru, its five inter-nested rectangular walls and moats represent chains of mountains and the cosmic ocean. The short dimensions of the vast compound are precisely aligned along a north-south axis, while the east-west axis has been deliberately diverted 0.75 degrees south of east and north of west, seemingly in order to give observers a three day anticipation of the spring equinox. Since it's rediscovery in the 1800s, (with the exception of the civil war period) this historic temple has received a steady stream of visitors, curious about the ancient temple.

by : Marriz

Grand Canyon

Where: Grand Canyon,
Reasons for tourisms: Natural attraction

Grand canyon's unique features:
1)Geographical record beautifully preserved and exposed

2)Variety of rocks, clarity which they are exposed, complex geologic story they tell

3)-The older geologic story is that revealed in the thick sequence of rocks exposed on the canyon's wall. These rocks provide an amazing albeit incomplete story of the Paleozoric era (550-250 million years ago) and scattered remains of the Precambian rocks as old as 2 million years.

4)These rocks tell a far older story than the canyon itself (which only formed 5-6 million years ago), a relative youngster in geological terms.
1) promoting nature and photographic material of natural attractions
2) Promoting tourism to the Grand Canyon via the agency

The Grand Canyon is a steep sided Gorge carved by the Colorado River in Arizona, USA within the Grand Canyon National Park. The Grand Canyon is 446km long, and ranges in width from 6.9km to 29km, with a depth of over 1.83km.

The South Rim is the most popular destination within the park, and arguably offers the most picturesque views of the canyon, as well as the most visitor amenities for great Grand Canyon sightseeing. There are historic sites along the canyon rim, hiking opportunities throughout the park, rafting trips, pristine nature to be experienced, Junior Ranger programmes, wildlife spotting and campfire programs.

Official website:

