Sunday, January 10, 2010

Halung Bay

Ha Long Bay, in the Gulf of Tonkin, includes some 1,600 islands and islets, forming a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars. Because of their precipitous nature, most of the islands are uninhabited and unaffected by a human presence. The site's outstanding scenic beauty is complemented by its great biological interest.
Most visitors to the Halong Bay enjoy guided boat tours past thrilling local scenes along chocolate-colored rivulets of the big river.

by Marriz


  1. I think Halung Bay is a natural tourist attraction as there are spectacular seascapes which visitors wcome to see


  2. I think Halung Bay is a natural tourist attraction too as it has biological and natural features.
    Vi Chien

  3. I agree with Christie as there are many beautiful and natural sites at Halung Bay. =)

  4. I agree that Halung Bay is a natural attraction as there are natural features (e.g. limestone pillars) and the place offers scenic views.
    Ka Yi

  5. I too agree that Halung Bay is a natural attraction. I believe that through many of these guided expeditions, many jobs are being created :)

  6. That was Sanaa btw :) sorry :(
    the-i-forgot-to-write-my-name-virus has reached my side!!!!

  7. I agree with everyone above that it is a natural attraction, with it being a naturally formed bay with a beautiful view of the sea.

    However I would also like to suggest the place in discussion (Halung Bay) to be a cultural-historical attraction as the local people and their traditional way of life largely differ from the modern visiting tourists as they are closed off from the modernising world.

    -Zhi Lin

  8. I agree that its a natural attraction since its uninhabited its a bit hard for any human-caused attraction to be in place :)

