Sunday, January 10, 2010


London is one of the world's leading tourism destinations, and the city is home to an array of famous tourist attractions. London attracts more than 15 million international visitors per year, making it the world's most visited city.

London is home to many tourist attractions that are known worldwide. Some of the most popular include the many museums located in the city. Many of London's museums offer free entry. The British Museum holds seven million exhibits that not only have to do with London, but Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, etc. Popular exhibits include the Elgin Marbles, theRosetta Stone, 'Ginger', the world's oldest mummy, Lindow Man, etc. The British Museum is open seven days a week and is free.

There are also historic or cultural attractions, the most popular of which include Buckingham Palace. This is royal palace is still in use today. Here, visitors can witness the "Changing of the Guard" when a member of the royal family is in residence. During the summer months, some rooms are open to the public for tours. Other sights include The Tower of London, a royal fortress that holds the Crown Jewels of England. Nearby is the famous Tower Bridge.

The Tourist Board for London is called Visit London. The Britain and London Visitor Centre is located on Lower Regent Street, near Piccadilly Circus.

Vi Chien
source : (internet website) (entertainment website)


  1. London can be classified both as a cultural-historical attraction and a human-made attraction.
    -marriz :D

  2. Agree. The museums and cuisines showcase London's culture. Vi Chien

  3. But can it be an event attraction? Many international activities are held there which attract tourist from all over the world. Coming 2012 they are also organising the olmpics.

  4. I agree that London can be classified both as a cultural-historical attraction and a human-made attraction as it is a city landscape and has historic and cultural attractions like the Buckingham Palace.
    Ka Yi

  5. HOwever the event hasnt been taken place yet? Vi Chien

  6. Now I think London can be a cultural-historical attraction, human-made attraction, as well as an event attraction because there are human-made buildings which reflect both historical and modern features, cultural attractions such as monuments and events such as the 2012 olympics as wendy mentioned. (:

  7. I agree with all that. I also think that London is a commercial place so the reason for the high amounts of tourists.

  8. I agree that it is a commercial place. Also, the good and accessible transport system contributes to it's tourism. Vi Chien
